New @ BUTFF 2019: BodyPaintJam!


New to this year's BUT Film Festival is a live BodyPaintJam. Several painting teams will create a full-body painting between 12:30h and 19:00h. The theme of the paintings is Extraterrestrial.

BUTFF visitors are able to see the teams at work, changing the models into living pieces of Art.

The BodyPaintJam is organised by the 3 silent artists, to see more of their work, visit!

Want to participate as a team and show your BodyPaint creation?! Great!!

For €15.00 your team can paint a model (one of you!) under creative & professional guidance.

At 19:00h, all models are presented at the BUT Square.

So sign up with your team HERE and we will provide you with a spot, pigments, guidance, tea and coffee!